
Exmouth & District

Category: Group

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  • Outdoor Pickleball

    Sorry, but you do not have permission to view this content. Read more

  • WordPress Training 5

    There has been a lot said about the importance of categories in the first couple of meetings, but the terminology hasn’t been explained in any depth. Following a question I asked on the developers’ forum one of the participants helpfully pointed me at a website page which explains the concepts with some examples The difference… Read more

  • WordPress Training 4

    Media Library Add a new media file button Puts up a dialogue to drag or select a file Folders Pane This is the result of a plugin to add folders, this helps organise the media when there is a lot of it. When you load new media it appears in the “Uncategorised” folder, if you… Read more

  • WordPress Training 3

    The Block Editor Screen Areas Top menu bar Central Editing Area Contains the blocks that make up a page text can be edited directly here Floating toolbar Shows when a block is selected contains List View (left pane when document outline toggled) Very useful for navigating and editing longer pages, contains a nested list of… Read more

  • WordPress Training 2

    Behind the scenes What you see depends on your role (access level) – out of the box user roles What follows assumes you are logged on at least as a contributor (i.e. with some write access) The WordPress Dashboard (Key parts) WordPress was historically a tool for creating online blogs, so it is built around… Read more

  • WordPress Training 1

    What the user sees Via the device is being used On the Website being viewed – training.exmouthu3a.online Overall appearance of the website Parts of the web page being viewed Read more

  • Notes for Meeting on 16th November

    At our Coffee and Chat meeting on 16th Nov2023, Ian showed a clip from the wonderful RSC musical version of “The Comedy of Errors”. You can see a recording of this on our YouTube Channel – https://youtu.be/7QrCWOcVOrM Read more

  • Meeting held

    Normal agenda followed, everybody has done their actions Read more

  • Website registration & login

    A new facility has been added to allow a website user to register and request a login. An administrator can then approve (or deny) the new login request and send credentials to the user. This facility is a perquisite of the website holding information that is available to members who register as a user. Read more

  • Upgrade to WordPress 6.4

    WordPress 6.4 was released today, information about it can be found here Learn more about WordPress 6.4 Check out the new WordPress 6.4 page to learn more about the numerous enhancements and features of this release. Read more

  • Lichens of the Estuary – December 2020

    Members of the botany group spent some time exploring the lichens of the estuary flood defence wall, adjacent to the railway line and cycle track, on Tuesday 15th and Thursday 17th December. We were lucky not to get wet though it did get pretty cold after a while.  We started off exploring the yellow and orange… Read more

  • Demonstration system

    Work is progressing on a demonstration system, All basic functionality has been added, and the site is up to date with u3a material and groups. The demonstration will be available to a limited audience shortly. Read more

  • What do you think?

    Has this been useful and of interest to you? Is there anything that you didn’t understand? Or anything more that could be added? Any comments on these resources? Does this form of accessing information and using these learning resources work for you? And do you want to compare notes and experiences with other members or… Read more

  • Additional help

    Here are some suggestions on ways to get additional help: Read more

  • Broadband and internet speeds

    Slow or variable broadband speeds can be a problem for many of us. Our U3A Tech Team have prepared a 2-page guide to this which also has some useful links. You can read or download it by clicking or tapping on the image below, or clicking or tapping here. Read more

  • Keeping safe

    Useful information about scams other problems that you may encounter and how to report these is available from the national Action Fraud website at https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/ (and see especially https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/individual-protection). There is a good booklet called “The Little Book of Big Scams” published by Devon & Cornwall Police which you can read or download at https://www.devon-cornwall.police.uk/advice/your-money/fraud/little-big-book-of-scams/.… Read more

  • Anti-virus software

    It is important that your computer or device is protected against computer viruses and malware. Apple devices do not normally require any extra protection, Google Chromebooks have multiple levels of security built in and Android tablets and smartphones are protected by Google Protect software. Microsoft Windows 10 has anti-virus software built in which is in… Read more

  • Computer skills

    Once you have your computer or device, it is advisable to download the manual or instruction booklet onto your device for future reference. Search on your browser for your model number, and then download the manual. It will normally be in a PDF (portable document format) which is an easy-to read version. This should give… Read more

  • Getting connected

    Getting started: There is usually a quick set-up leaflet supplied with your computer or device which will explain how you can connect to the internet. If you haven’t been given one, your instruction manual will explain how to do this (see section below). Whilst you can connect to the internet using wi-fi in a public… Read more

  • What computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone to buy?

    There is a huge range of computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones available. Broadly they fit into categories by manufacturer or operating system – mainly Microsoft, Apple or Google. Which you select will probably depend on your budget and what you want to use your computer or other device for. My personal preference for ease of… Read more