
Exmouth & District


One of the principal benefits of becoming a member of Exmouth & District u3a is the opportunity to join and participate in one or more of our many Activity & Interest Groups.

We have over 100 to choose from and you can see the full list below. All members are eligible to join any of our groups but please note that each group has a Status description – Full, Active (has vacancies) or Dormant (currently inactive).

If you would like to join a Group please contact the relevant Group Leader. Details are sent directly to members by email every few months, or can be seen on the group’s individual page if you can login to the website. Unless the group information says differently, if you’re not already a member of that group, please don’t just turn up to a group meeting unannounced.

You must be a current u3a member to join and take part in any group activity. This is essential to ensure that your participation is covered by the u3a’s insurance scheme.

New groups can easily be formed based on suggestions and ideas from members. These mini groups usually start out with just a few members meeting together as a prototype or ‘concept’ group sharing ideas. Once the numbers taking part increase, then a new group is created and added to the group list. This is an exciting and dynamic process which keeps the Exmouth & District u3a fresh and relevant for its members.

If you’ve any questions, please contact the Groups Coordinator via the Contact Us page. We try to ensure that the information shown here is up-to-date. If Group Organisers wish to make any changes, please send details to Groups via the Contact Us page.

The Exmouth & District u3a interest groups

Groups listed alphabetically