
Exmouth & District

Website Developers

The website developers group is a group which is learning about WordPress and other internet technologies and applying this knowledge to support the development of the Exmouth & District u3a online presence.

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Fortnightly
Meetings are arranged on an ad-hoc basis
Venue: Member’s Home

Web Developers’ Meetings

Web Developers’ News

  • Website registration & login

    A new facility has been added to allow a website user to register and request a login. An administrator can then approve (or deny) the new login request and send credentials to the user. This facility is a perquisite of the website holding information that is available to members who register as a user.

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  • Upgrade to WordPress 6.4

    WordPress 6.4 was released today, information about it can be found here Learn more about WordPress 6.4 Check out the new WordPress 6.4 page to learn more about the numerous enhancements and features of this release.

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  • Demonstration system

    Work is progressing on a demonstration system, All basic functionality has been added, and the site is up to date with u3a material and groups. The demonstration will be available to a limited audience shortly.

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