
Exmouth & District

Walking Group 2

Walking Group 2 started in October 2012 with a short walk along the Exe estuary to Lympstone and back. Since then walks have taken place each month at a variety of places in Devon including Teignmouth, Barnstaple & Dartmoor as well as more local places using public transport where possible but also car sharing.

Walks are between 3 and 6 miles in length at a leisurely pace so that walkers can enjoy the scenery and each others company. There is usually an opportunity for a coffee break or lunch either during the walk or at the end. In 2015 nine members went on a 3 day walking holiday to Newquay staying at the Pentire Hotel.

There are now 24 members in the group and due to the high turn out, unfortunately it is not possible to accommodate any new members for the time being. Since 2016 it was decided to have an additional walk each month from April to September. Each year the group has an anniversary dinner in November following a walk along the estuary. Also in November there is a planning meeting to agree the next year’s programme. The group is fortunate that so many members are willing to plan and lead walks.

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Monthly on Tuesday all day
Last Tuesday of each month
Venue: Venue varies (Please contact the Group Organiser)