
Exmouth & District

Science Matters

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Monthly on Fridays
3rd Friday
Venue: All Saints’ Church

Science matters is for anyone who wants to discuss or learn more about the scientific aspects of our world. It’s suitable for people with a science background but also for those with little or no scientific knowledge – just an interest in the topic being discussed or presented. These could include subjects like artificial intelligence (AI), cloning, antibiotic resistance, dark matter, global warming, genetic manipulation of crops, evolution and space exploration – just for starters! The subjects we cover will be determined by our members.

The meetings are likely to start with a presentation or discussion, given or led by a member, of a particular topic of their choice. This would be followed by the general discussion of one or more topics of current interest. The aims, content and structure of the meetings will be determined by the members, and it is hoped that most members will actively participate and contribute in some way.

The plan is to meet monthly, in a public venue like a hall or hired room with the subject chosen by members the previous month. There is likely to be a small charge for the room or hall hire.

Learning and Education – Brain Functions Development Concept