
Exmouth & District


The Quiz Group reformed post-Covid with a different venue but with a very similar format to previously. There’s no need to join as part of a ready-made team as teams (4 people max) are formed on the day with all those not participating as a 4. Quite a few members just come on their own.

Members are encouraged to devise and present a quiz, hopefully at a level to give each team a fighting chance of winning and with a variety of rounds, the topics for each round being chosen by the quizmaster. We usually have 8 rounds of 10 questions plus a marathon round which can be pictures to identify, dingbats, anagrams etc. and which can be worked on throughout the quiz.

We have an excellent venue which does not charge us, but members are asked to purchase a drink during the afternoon; tea, coffee, soft and alcoholic drinks are all available. There is a £1 per head charge which makes up the prize money for the winning team, with second place receiving a token prize if sufficient members attend. These quizzes are great fun as well as helping to keep our brains active!

Our start time is 13:50 to enable the teams to be made up and the table money to be collected. We usually finish about 16:00.

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Monthly on Thursday afternoons
3rd Thursday of each month, 2pm
Venue: Wings Bar (RAFA Club)
Cost: £1 per person