
Exmouth & District

Quilting for Fun

Our “Quilting fun” group meets fortnightly and apart from learning and using quilting and sewing techniques, we make quilts to donate to charity. One of our quilts  is a “Hearts” quilt which we donated to the Exmouth Museum. The Museum raffled this quilt to help the Museum raise funds to survive; we were delighted to offer our help to the Museum.

Every member of the group shares the work on our quilts in one way or another, from design, practical sewing, laying out, basting, quilting and finishing! It’s very much a group effort. Our session together help build up our support for each other and this is carried through and beyond our sessions. It makes our completed quilts a bit of each of us.

Below are some images of the quilts we have donated to charity including the 10th Anniversary Quilt we made especially for Exmouth U3a to celebrate their 10th Anniversary.

For a bit of Fun, last year we did Round Robin Quilts where we each started a quilt and passed it on to the next member who did their bit and so on. Our Group also put on a display of our work at one of the U3a meetings.

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Fortnightly on Wednesday afternoons
Venue: Organiser’s home