
Exmouth & District

Mahjong British Rules 1

This group started in September 2013 and now has nearly 30 members. Some have played before, often many years ago, while others have started as beginners. The game is usually played in groups of 4 with each player scoring separately. The basic rules are relatively easy to learn so it is possible to start playing after a couple of hours tuition and observation. The exotic tiles, the oriental associations and the rituals surrounding the game lend it a certain mystique and appeal.

Mah-Jong originated in China in the 19th century and there are many variations. However for this group the rules of the British Mah-Jong Association have been adopted with a few variations to assist the flow of the game and simplify the rather complex scoring system. The more experienced members play for special hands which offer higher scores. Handouts dealing with the key aspects of the game have been prepared and laminated sheets on special hands are also available.

The group meets monthly. There is also another opportunity to play each month at a member’s home.

New members including beginners are always welcome.

Status:Active, not currently accepting new members
When: Monthly on Thursday mornings
10.00 am on the last Thursday of each month, plus other dates to be confirmed
Venue: Albion Court