
Exmouth & District

Art Mixed Media

Status:Active, open to new members
When: Weekly on Wednesday mornings
From 10:30 to 12:30, normally in Cuppa Cabin but at the Group Organiser's house in winter
Venue: Cuppa Cabin

The Art Mixed Media group is for people who, to some degree or other, have done some art in any medium, who would like to improve their skills further and who feel they might benefit from the support and stimulation – and the discipline – of working within a group.

Participants bring their own art equipment and follow their own ideas about what they want to draw or paint. But art books, pictures and suggestions for practice are also available to offer ideas.

Each member will have different experiences and skills which can be shared informally and although the group is still very young, there is already a mutually supportive interaction between the members. For example, when one member mentioned she would like to try to paint in oils, having never done so before, another member offered use of her paints and equipment and provided practical support to help her get going. The resulting picture was very pleasing for the artist as well as the other group members!

Meetings run year round and are held every Wednesday morning from 10.30 -12.30. In the winter they are held in the group organiser’s house, but from mid March until October they are held at the ‘Cuppa Cabin’ in Ebford which provides tables in outside space or shelter as necessary. For accommodation reasons, the maximum size of the group is 6 and turnover is low but it is always worth enquiring to see if there is a vacancy.