
Exmouth & District

Monthly Meetings

Our monthly meetings are usually held on the second Thursday morning at 10:00 for a 10:30 start in Exmouth Pavilion. We have an interesting range of speakers including some of our own members and have speakers booked for the current and following year.

Forthcoming meetings

  • October Monthly Meeting – Thursday 10 October 2024

    10 October 2024

    Jonathan Hanbury will be giving a presentation on ‘Dementia – How can we keep our brains active?’. Jonathan is a nurse specialist and has worked in neurology and brain health for decades. Join us to hear him talk about dementia and ways to keep your brain strong. Read more …

A Day in the Life of a Magistrate

The speaker at our Monthly Meeting in January 2024 was Peter Scott, JP who spoke about ‘A Day in the Life of a Magistrate‘. He very kindly allowed us to record his presentation and you can see his talk in full on our u3a YouTube channel by clicking or tapping on the image below: